الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

My Cozen Ailia's BirthDay Party ^_^

My Cozen Alia's BirthDay Party ^_^

I Love Her Soooo Much !!! My Cozes Alia , She's So lovely And Sweet And Kind !! And This Was Her BirthDay Party , We Realy Enjoyd ! Me And my Untie Nadiya , Hissa , Fatima ! Chek Out The Pics !!

The BirthDay Girl !!!!

                                                                    The Cake xD !!!


 After ! 

All By : Mariyam Abdulkareem =3 !

My Drawings

My Drawings
When I'm Sad Or Happy , I Would Like To Draw My Own Feelings !!!
I Love Drawing , Its Part Of My Life !!

And There is Many Other Drawings !! But I Did Not Put The Pic's Because I Did Not Have Enough time For That >,< !!! Sorry

And I Hope You Love'd My Drawings ^_^ !


All By : Mariyam Abdulkareem =3 !

I love ..choclates


Most of people like eating chocolate but my favorite , But I’m addicted To the chocolate . most of my times am wasting it by thinking of this such stuffs , I like the normal one , not the dark one i like also the cup cake and the choclate cake, (( Patchi , twix . galaxy , kit kat )) and yeah (( NUTELA )) ..