الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2012


Feelings …
Something you want..  you can't get it .. Something You need it... You can't Find it , Something you feel it .. But u can't touch it .. Something u wan to share it with somebody.. but can't trust anyone .. a lot of feelings .. In peace of papers.. Or  you can say a Diary.. Since am small.. am writing and drawing my own feelings , I still have all this silly papers , but some of them are gone , but still , am not the type which forgets  everything , am keeping it inside of me .. Not my brain , not my heart , It's in my Soul ….
Hours and minutes and seconds are running and going on .. it will never come back , but u want it to come  back !!! u will pay anything for it to come back , but it will NEVER EVER !!!
U want to correct your mistakes which u have done it , but u cant , u cant ..
But the best thing , is to learn from your mistakes , Learn !!!
Thinking of the death will never use, what will happen after that …
The tear , which its falling from your eyes , its not just a drop of salty water falling , its some feelings  who no one can understand it , this feelings are falling because there is no more hope … <'3 !
We feel the life is complicated .. we cant get what ever that we want , but life is so beautiful if you are a good person at heart , but we don’t know what it our fate , no one in this life knows … no one ..
Most thing I love in my life is my diary .. then I love my mom , then I love my cats , this is my life … expressing the feelings in pages of papers …
When Every Thing Is Gone !!...

When Every Thing Is Complicated !!...

When You Hate  !!...

When You'r Lost ,, And you Need Silence !!...

When You'r Broken <'3 !! !!...

Always Guilty Befor The Sin .. I Cant Win .. I Cant Win .. !!
WithOut A Soul .. My Spirit Sleeping Somewhere Cold .. <'3
Holding My Last Breath .. <'3 MeOw ..
All By : Mariyam Abdulkareem =3 !

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